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Welcome to Save the Kids! Helping you set healthier tech boundaries for your family, build stronger relationships, and spend more time looking up

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Our Mission To #SaveTheKids from the dangers of social media and smartphone use.

Our Vision To see deeper connections and greater confidence in children and their families.

Our Three Pillars


We work hard to raise awareness of the dangers that social media and smartphone use pose to children and families. We do this through our podcast, speaking in schools, and our Instagram account.


We want YOU to have a tool belt full of helpful information, resources, and tools to be able to keep your kids safe online. We’ve partnered with some incredible companies we feel align with our mission, we’ve gone through countless resources and compiled them so you don’t have to, and we’ve done hours upon hours of research to provide you with the most accurate and recent information.

Effect Change

We are actively working to effect change in legislature, school programs, and communities. We’ve helped with local campaigns, attended government symposiums, and made our voices and mission heard. We’re here to help you do the same!


Proud Member of the Utah Nonprofit Association

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